Fit a Multi-Modal Aerosol Distribution

There are many reasons one may want to fit your SMPS/OPS/OPC data...

Here, I briefly show how to use the py-smps library to do so. Currently, support exists for fitting between 1-3 modes.

In [1]:
import smps
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import random

sns.set("notebook", style='ticks', font_scale=1.5, palette='dark')

%matplotlib inline

print ("smps v{}".format(smps.__version__))
print ("seaborn v{}".format(sns.__version__))

smps v1.0.0
seaborn v0.9.0

Read in the Data

First, let's read in some SMPS data. There is currently one 'sample' data set available with the py-smps library. This data was collected on an SMPS at MIT during the wintertime.

Read in to an SMPS object and Plot the Histogram

In [2]:
s ="boston")

# plot the histogram
ax = smps.plots.histplot(s.dndlogdp, s.bins, plot_kws={'linewidth': .1}, fig_kws={'figsize': (12, 6)})

ax.set_title("Wintertime in Cambridge, MA", y=1.02)
ax.set_ylabel("$dN/dlogD_p \; [cm^{-3}]$")

# remove the spines of the plot

We went ahead and plotted the histogram of the mean values across all size bins for the entire collection period. Why? Because I can.

We see we have a single distribution with a mode of somewhere around 50-60 nm. We can go ahead and fit a simple 1-mode distribution to this data.

Fit a Single Mode

In [3]:
# Grab the LogNormal class from the library
from import LogNormal

# Initiate an instance of the class
model = LogNormal()

# Gather our X and Y data
X = s.midpoints
Y = s.dndlogdp.mean()

# Go ahead and fit
results =, Y, modes=1)

# print the results
print (results.summary())

                          N (cm-3)            GM (nm)               GSD         
       Mode 0        2.73e+03 (7.3e+00)   56.07 (1.2e-01)      2.10 (5.2e-03)   

Above, we see the results for the three fit parameters: Number of particles per cubic centimeter, the geometric mean diameter, and the geometric standard deviation. All three have error estimates (standard deviation) as shown in parentheses next to each value.

Now that we successfully fit our data, let's go ahead and plot it over the histogram:

Plot Histogram with Fit Data

In [4]:
# plot the histogram
ax = smps.plots.histplot(s.dndlogdp, s.bins, plot_kws={'linewidth': 0, 'alpha': .6, 'edgecolor': None},
                        fig_kws={'figsize': (12, 6)})

# Plot the fit values
ax.plot(X, results.fittedvalues, lw=6, label="Fit Data")

ax.set_ylabel("$dN/dlogD_p \; [cm^{-3}]$")
ax.set_title("Wintertime in Cambridge, MA with Fit Data")

# remove the spines of the plot

What else is stored in the fit results? Glad you asked!

We can go ahead and retrieve our fit parameters at results['params']. They are stored as an array with order [N, GM, GSD].

In [5]:
print (results.params)

[[2.73066907e+03 5.60740983e-02 2.10235548e+00]]

We can also go ahead and look at the error associated with those values at results['error']. They are in the same order as above.

In [6]:
print (results.errors)

[[7.30970567e+00 1.23588577e-04 5.17954866e-03]]

Upon fitting, an instance of the LogNormalFitResults class is returned and has available a couple of useful methods. The first is .summary() which we saw above. It simply prints out a very basic overview of the fit statistics in table format.

We can also make new predictions using the LogNormalFitResults.predict method which takes two arguments:

  • X: an array of x values (Dp) to predict
  • weight: ['number', 'surface', 'volume']. The default is 'number'


In [7]:


Plot the Missing Data

Let's use the predict method to fill in the lower portion of the distribution where we were not originally scanning. Is this a great idea? Well, probably not. But we can do it anyways..

In [8]:
newX = np.logspace(np.log10(.01), np.log10(1), 1000)

# plot the histogram
ax = smps.plots.histplot(s.dndlogdp, s.bins, plot_kws={'linewidth': 0., 'alpha': .5},
                        fig_kws={'figsize': (12, 6)})

# Plot the fit values
ax.plot(newX, results.predict(newX), lw=6, label="Fit Data")

ax.set_title("Wintertime in Cambridge, MA with Fit Data")
ax.set_ylabel("$dN/dlogD_p \; [cm^{-3}]$")

# remove the spines of the plot

Multiple Modes

I don't have access to a dataset with multiple modes in it at the moment, so we are going to fake it! We're going to mimick a multi-modal distribution and then show how to fit it. If someone wants to donate a dataset, that'd be cool!

In [9]:
dp = np.logspace(np.log10(0.0001), np.log10(1), 500)

# Sample data pulled from S+P pg371
N = np.array([9.93e4, 3.64e4])
GM = np.array([1.3e-3, 20e-3])
GSD = np.array([10**.245, 10**0.336])

total = 0

for j in range(len(N)):
    total +=, N[j], GM[j], GSD[j])
# Let's confuzzle our data
twisted = total* [random.uniform(0.95, 1.05) for i in range(len(dp))]

with sns.axes_style('ticks'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 6))

    ax.plot(dp, twisted, 'o', label="Twisted Data")

    ax.set_xlabel("$D_p \; [\mu m]$")


Now that we have some fake data, let's go ahead and fit it! We're also going to go ahead and throw some initial guesses at it. There needs to be 3n guesses where n is the number of modes you are fitting. They should be in the order [Ni, GMi, GSDi] for i=1 to i=number of modes.

In [10]:
model = LogNormal()

X = dp
Y = twisted

# Let's set some initial guesses
p0 = [1e5, 1e-3, 2, 3e4, 20e-3, 2]

results =, Y, modes=2, p0=p0)

print (results.summary())

                          N (cm-3)            GM (nm)               GSD         
       Mode 0        9.94e+04 (1.9e+02)    1.30 (1.6e-03)      1.76 (2.2e-03)   
       Mode 1        3.64e+04 (2.2e+02)   19.96 (1.0e-01)      2.17 (1.2e-02)   

Now that we have our results, let's go ahead and plot them!

In [11]:
with sns.axes_style('ticks'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 6))

    ax.plot(dp, twisted, 'o', label="Twisted Data")
    ax.plot(dp, results.fittedvalues, lw=6, label="Fitted Values")

    ax.set_xlabel("$D_p \; [\mu m]$")


Last but not least...what if we only want to fit one of the modes, or fit to just a small portion of the data? Easy!

Fit to a subset of the data

In [12]:
model = LogNormal()

X = dp
Y = twisted

results =, Y, modes=1, xmax=8.5, xmin=0)

print (results.summary())

with sns.axes_style('ticks'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(12, 6))

    ax.plot(dp, twisted, 'o', label="Twisted Data")
    ax.plot(X[X <= 8.5], results.fittedvalues, lw=6, label="Fitted Values")

    ax.set_xlabel("$D_p \; [\mu m]$")


                          N (cm-3)            GM (nm)               GSD         
       Mode 0        1.02e+05 (1.7e+03)    1.32 (1.5e-02)      1.80 (2.1e-02)   

In [ ]: